
Sore Throat

Sore throats are very common, especially during winter months and are usually self-limiting, typically getting better within a week. We can help with a range of over the counter products, advice and other medical care if needed.

If you symptoms are severe you may have bacterial infection and our pharmacist may be able to offer additional treatments thought our pharmacy first service saving you a trip to the GP

What are the symptoms of a sore throat?
There are a range of symptoms of a sore throat and they may vary in severity. Common symptoms include:
  • Pain & discomfort: Soreness, irritation, or pain in the throat is the most common symptom. It may range from mild to severe.
  • Scratchiness or itchiness: Many people with a sore throat describe it as feeling scratchy or itchy.
  • Dryness: Your throat may feel dry and parched.
  • Difficulty swallowing: Sore throats can make swallowing food and liquids uncomfortable or painful.
  • Hoarseness: Your voice may become hoarse or raspy, and it might crack or sound different.
  • Swollen glands: The lymph nodes in your neck may become swollen and tender to the touch.
  • Redness & inflammation: The back of the throat may appear red and inflamed when examined.
  • Coughing: A sore throat can trigger coughing, especially if it’s associated with postnasal drip, or sore throat can be part of the symptoms of a viral infection such as a cold or flu.
  • Fever: A sore throat caused by a bacterial infection, like strep throat, may be accompanied by a fever.
  • Fatigue: Sore throats can lead to a feeling of overall tiredness and malaise..
  • Bad breath: Foul-smelling breath may result from bacteria or debris in the throat.
The most common causes of sore throat are:
  • Viral infections such as the common cold & flu – you might also have a blocked or runny nose, cough, headache, general aches or a high temperature
  • Glandular fever: this is a viral infection that mostly affects young adults and can cause a severe sore throat, usually accompanied by a high temperature, swollen glands and tiredness.
  • Bacterial infections such as strep throat or bacterial tonsillitis: These can lead to inflammation of the throat or tonsils which can cause a painful sore throat.
  • Allergies: Allergies to pollen, dust, pets or other allergens can lead to a sore throat.
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to smoke, pollutants, dry air, or other irritants can irritate the throat and cause discomfort
  • Vocal strain: Overusing or straining the voice, such as through excessive talking, singing, or yelling, can result in a sore throat.